
Friday, April 22, 2011

Design #2 = Spiral Dance

I wanted to binge on comfort foods mid-week. It brought up memories of past moments when I did so. This has been a cyclic pattern since childhood. I didn’t go there in the same way but I did notice that I was eating too many refined carbs again. This pattern has felt like going over the edge and once I did the binging I was back on track. I’ve never understood these cravings and this cycle.

The next day I was drawn to the book Fractal Time so I read a few pages and put it down. It pulled me back again like a magnet. Why the pull? I then read that the earth’s position in the heavens relates to our own self-realization and that the closer we are to our galaxy’s core the more enlightened we are. Earth is currently in the furthest reach of an orbit and thus the dark before the dawn taking us into 2012. (Thanks Gregg Braden!)

Is this pattern something my body goes through regularly? Is it called bio-rhythms? Is this why I go into a dark phase and after going through it find myself in a new place? Does everyone go through this revolution that is more than moody weather patterns?

This new awareness of Earth in motion and her place in space helps me see my own pattern with more awareness. This makes me grateful for logical information.

Are we not all moving in the same rhythm and pattern of spiral dance as the turns happen in the N/S/EW/W edges so that curvature is created. I’ve never thought of my “depression” (word just came through so I use it) and binges as edge points. But that has changed….like everything in motion of emotion.


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