Easter Lens

Easter morning image shoots upward toward me from inner and outer space -- holographically. I catch it but cannot hold it. It moves at the speed of light and I wonder about my own "shutter lens" (words that came through) and how I can learn to adjust. Holograms that I've seen in movies/TV have been portrayed on an E/W plane. This image was vertical N/S branching out E/W. The colors were bright green and pink. My first thought was the Tree of Life in reverse. I know RJ Stewart whom I met at the Faery Congress has talked about this and I have notes somewhere.
What is four dimensional seeing and Being?
four·-dimensional (fôr′də men′s̸hə nəl)
of or in four dimensions, esp. in relativity theory where four coordinates are used to record the space location and time of occurrence of each event
four-di·men·sion·al (fôrˌdĭ-mĕnˈshə-nəl, fōrˌ-)
Specified by or exhibiting four dimensions, such as the three spatial dimensions and single temporal dimension of relativity theory.
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