
Thursday, May 12, 2011

Mother's Day

Went to Northwest Trek with family…a Mother’s Day gift! Driving to the park someone mentioned cancer and I responded that happiness is the best medicine as it keeps energy moving. At the park I took my sons’ arm and started skipping and singing Zip-a-dee-doo-dah from childhood. My kids looked embarrassed. I said being childlike is being happy. I know that my kids think I’m a bit different but they do respect me and hear me. Leaving the park two of them were skipping and singing along! Now that’s another gift!

My granddaughter can be challenging. She was in trouble a couple of times. On the way home I was sitting behind her and my hand wanted to be on top of her head stroking her forehead. I realized I was offering her an “attunement” which my kids grew up with. She seemed to soak it up and did not reject the connection. I mentioned that she needed a mantra to help her stay focused. They wanted to know what a mantra was. Before I left for home I had a talk with g-daughter and we created a mantra for her. She seemed very pleased. Another gift! Dark forces are pulling at our kids in every direction and they need guidelines/boundaries/tools to support the Light that they are.

I am grateful for the healing that has occurred in my family. Love is stronger than any hurt and heals wounds that separate. I do wish my kids were more alternative health and whole foods oriented. They would be so much healthier. It's amazing how our diets are so critical to our well being.


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