
Friday, April 29, 2011

Shutter Lens

Open and close remind me (there's "memory" coming into the picture) of the shutter lens I referred to earlier. What that was is a fog right now. I am so not linear and the dots don't always hold connection. My brain activity is very fluid and forward in motion.

Definition of: shutter

(1) An opaque window that is moved in one direction to let light in and in another to close off the light. In fixed-lens cameras, one shutter often suffices for aperture and speed. In most single lens reflex (SLR) cameras, the camera has a built-in shutter that pops up to let light in and drops down after a certain amount of time, while each lens contains its own diaphragm shutter that acts like an iris to let light pass (aperture setting). See shutter speed, aperture and shutter lag.


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