
Thursday, May 12, 2011

Two Wires One Fire

I am reading Fractal Time by Gregg Braden and The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire by Deepak Chopra and am inspired as my wheels of emotion and thought turn like water wheels. I am grateful for these intellectual forces that inspire me to think so that I articulate how I see the world and how I am in the world. It’s not about right or wrong or me vs you but about a collective conversation where I can have a voice. It helps me know myself and how I fit into the whole.

On pages 86 and 87 of Fractal Time are images of a fern, a bolt of electricity and a magnified neuron. Gregg informs that these patterns are called self-similarity. The patterns in the book look similar to the image I saw and drew on Easter. These “golden fractals” as I want to call them, are repeating patterns in nature; parts of one whole. To me they are expressions of love. This is what love looks like in expression, in dynamic motion. Fractal E-motion.

Gregg talks about the Golden Ratio: “The golden ratio describes a special relationship of two parts of a whole.” If A and B create C then wouldn’t the math be 1 + 1 = 3? Is this not logical and does it not contain that quantum leap that may seem magical and mysterious but is basic in creative expression?

Gregg also talks about the Great Pyramid and the powerful number/code called phi. He states that the Great Pyramid was built with intention using this code. When I read this my impression was that the Great Pyramid could have been built without intention but through intuitive knowing that holds its own unique intention of the whole rather than the parts.

Then I picked up Deepak’s book and read on page 106: "The local “I” intends, and the nonlocal “I” organizes all the details synchronistically." This is exactly what I was thinking in relationship to the building of the Great Pyramid!

So, what’s the point here? For me it’s not one way or the other. It’s both ways. The local mind that identifies with the parts and the nonlocal mind that identifies with the whole must include each other or there is no complete picture. In my experience those who are educated and trained are not as resilient in heart or mind and have trouble including “soft” more "airy" concepts different from their own. Hard science just as hard politics get us nowhere. The very ground of our nature must soften and become pliable so new information (Light) can pour through. For me, I may be too soft and need some hardening/shaping which may be why I am drawn to Gregg and Deepak books right now.

The language generated in this blog has something to teach me about myself. Information is now Light whereas in my past it has been inspiration as Light. No doubt new fractals are wiring and firing/firing and wiring in my brain body.


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