
Sunday, May 15, 2011

One Light ~ Many Fractals Expressing = Fulfillment

I’ve been seeing a line of Light moving North to South and spreading out creating East and West lines that create 360 degree circles. There has to be some sort of contact in order for the energy lines to shift direction. This spreading out expression reminds me of the golden fractal I drew on Easter.

Light needs a receptor in order to attract, engage and radiate. Chakras, atoms, cells, glands, organs, planets are receptors. Light expresses through these parts as circles, spirals and thus crystal formations. This convergence of Light at Galactic Center is where Planet Earth finds herself in 2012.

When I drum I see the line moving down to earth and spreading out as ley lines. Drumming helps move the energy through. Always sacred. Today I attend a drumming circle.

Light presses into matter creating communion. I’ve been working on this at a personal level and now at a community level through Transition Woodinville contacts/friendships. It’s been a process of Light that I Am pressing into my patterns of expression that are held unconscious, subconscious and conscious. And it’s also a process of my light pressing into those people around me. I am happy that Transition relationships are solidifying and expanding.

In this female body I am aware that it’s natural for my Light to want to press into a male body. This has the potential of lighting up all my circuitry and is the true definition of “turn on.” Convergence of Light is a “turn on” of circuits at the personal, community, planetary and cosmic level. Is this not the “spontaneous fulfillment of desire” in the parts and the whole?


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