
Monday, May 16, 2011

Cosmic Intelligence

Radiation – Attraction – Response – Union – Unified Radiation is a process I learned years ago with Emissaries of Divine Light. I have watched it play out cycle after cycle in my evolving personal life.

Radiation – Attraction – Response – Union – Unified Radiation has outcomes of form, structure and design in this realm of Earth. Energy pressing into matter does not lie but is an honest manifestation of Universal Law. Where there is darkness, disharmony and disease there is stagnation. Where there is lightness, harmony and ease there is energy in motion of e-motion.

Our vision and action as enlightened human beings is to find increasing alignment in Light that includes our shadow sides by shining through them revealing Truth of Love.
Light of Love gives us space to make adjustments in our lives.

Drumming in circle at Soul Food Books was fun. I saw that a class with Sandra Rodman (CEO Parallel Universe, Right Brain Aerobics) followed regarding Opening Cosmic Vision and Integrating a New Reality with New Intelligence. I was drawn and found myself in a class with people who see UFOs and extraterrestrials in this realm, dreams, visions and meditation. We watched some clips from one with the Defense Minister of Canada speaking openly about UFO activity. I heard about the ancient crystal skull, orbs who respond to childlike joy, and a ranch in Southwest Washington near Mt Adams. I had seen a TV program about this ranch that welcomes UFOs and it’s been on my “to visit” list for a couple of years.

We did a cosmic meditation as Sandra worked a singing bowl. Her energy is a bit scattered and I had to concentrate on staying centered. It required patience. The bowl sound was very chaotic but my logic kicked in acknowledging that UFO contact would probably be different than the sights and sounds I and we are accustomed to. So, I embraced the experience.

We meditated on the Sun, Moon and Jupiter. Drumming helps me journey…meditation not usually. I did see an image as I focused on Sun. It was an upside down U with a couple of dark open spaces like windows. I focused on it and was reminded me of the cliff dwellings of the Anasazi people I had seen in Arizona years ago. It also reminded me of a part of a spaceship. How are the Anasazi associated with Sun and extraterrestials?

I met people from the UFO group in Seattle (the leader’s email begins with “dragon” and we hugged on that!) and I’m wondering how to include this into my Heart and Soul group of Transition Woodinville. How can metaphysics fit? There are devout Christians at the Grange and in TW and I’m not sure how open they are about this other way of seeing in the world.

Back around full circle to metaphysics where my spiritual journey began...even before Unity Church.


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