
Friday, May 20, 2011

Gaia Myth

Friday morning meditation:

I focus on my primordial sound mantra and shift upward to roof top. I bow once again at feet of yogi. He calls me "child of the universe." I ask his name and wrote it down later. I ask why I see things differently and he says it's my emotional nature. I bow at yogi's feet in goodbye. He says, "Go, my child, spread joy." I received the image and words of: I am in the Universe; the Universe is in me. I have a new symbol to paint on my drum.

Wah! entertained and showed a picture on screen of sacred geometry. It reminded me of celtic knots and it was clear to me that it is extraterrestial code/language.

I notice in meditation that my head wants to tilt upward ... it feels like the cobra pose in yoga.

Powerful afternoon session with Deepak and gods/goddesses and archetypes. Energy was pouring in and through my brain. What do I do with all this energy? I felt very emotional as I walked to my room to sleep for two hours. My brain needed a rest!

My archetype is Gaia. I love this Being so very much. It's a love affair like no other. Energy threads flowed from Earth to each planet in this solar system and back creating circuitry connection.


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