
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Emotion Drives Action

E-motion breaks spells. So get emotional! About something you care about and is for the good of the whole.

I wrote this letter to the editor early this morning.

It’s my understanding that Woodinville is a Tree City, USA and that there are regulations about cutting down a tree. If this is so, why was another plot of land clear cut for a Walgreen to rise on Woodinville Duvall Road? Are there not vacant buildings down town that can prevent this sprawl? Do we really need stuff more than we need the trees’ green lungs to keep us breathing?

And why does Woodinville have to look like every other city with its cookie cutter strip malls? Let’s gather as visionaries to create solutions so that we can live with nature. Let’s call on the creative genius of community…of which trees are a part.

When was the last time you stopped in the fast track of consumerism to sit under a tree and smell its green life and to watch the birds enjoy that habitat? Trees have rights. Nature has rights. Humans do not have the right to destroy the future of our grandchildren’s children. Yes, that can happen one Walgreen, one strip mall, at a time.


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