
Monday, July 11, 2011

Dr. Maze's Farm

Notes from Apacolypse Island:

Venus eclipse in front of Sun at end of world

Kings/gods [Queens/goddesses] return to Earth at end of world

Movement of Venus foretells the future

Planet’s movements told when to plant crops, go to war

2010 final year of the calendar in a 5000 year cycle

Death of world age with cosmic events

Mayan Calendar a coincidence? No, this is Intentional Design

The ancients built monuments facing the stars/planets to honor cosmic relationships. What do our monuments face? Wall Street God, Gross National Product God, Tech God, and more stuff, stuff, stuff that one cannot take to Heaven. Reminds me of Godspell music: “Pre--ee-pare ye the way of the Lord….”

My vision has been that Earth will turn into a Sun. I see fire and transformation which is the only way that our landfills and toxic messes can be cleaned up.

When I told a Grange and Transition friend that I had quit the farm job she mentioned that she needed someone to help her pick chamomile. Her husband then asked if I knew how to drive a tractor as their farm tours are coming up. I said I could learn! Life is such a Trickster—from traction to tractor! So I am now working on a 15 acre farm two miles south. This farm is part of 47 acres. My little home and circle garden is on 15 acres; the larger circle garden is 1 acre on 70 acres. I seem to have created a lot of open space/pores for myself spaces where Earth can inhale and exhale from core. Farm Tours begin... and I jump into Farm Tots, crafts, cashiering...and more.

A man called this morning asking if I (Transition or Community Threads) would sponsor a local summer festival. When he told me it was going to be held at the sod farm I declined. I told him I personally don't want to spend a day on a toxic field and I could not be a sponsor. He suggested the green sod farm was better than development with its concrete and asphalt. I declined.


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