
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Eros = Community At-Traction

Eros is community at traction. How do I know? It’s revealing itself in my life.
Parts in love create traction. “In love” is both noun and verb….and another aspect that is spiritual. Holographic is the word that comes through reminding me of reflecting and projecting mirror effects – crystal like. Love is radiant in force like outreaching sun light.

That feeling of "love" is very tangible and is a closeness of the kinship...kinship of spirit first and foremost.

Transition is a catalyst for me and currently there is a quantum leap happening that has everything to do with linkage and connection of parts. For example another new Transition friend, Cynthia, used to work at Northwest Indian College and is now at Antioch University. She read my Circle of Life book yesterday and immediately gave me specific assignments to market the book. Her bright mind and personal connections open doors that I could never have seen or opened alone. One connection leads to another. It’s a new epidemic and a new virus that will “soak up”(I leave those words in without analyzing them) the dark spots!

Cynthia says that I should be training the trainers...local mental health professionals so that they can forward it on to their clients. It reminds me of how the body coordinates with glands/organs to get nutrients out to the cells. All requiring outreaching pressure of love. Love as spirit and love as earthy substance.

Sitting on a picnic blanket yesterday a bee was getting too close to me. I attempted to move it to a distant location. Somehow it stayed with me and I ended up with a bee sting. Bee and I are one.

Walking home last night I noticed how I no longer yearn to be in nature. I am Nature! And I notice that I no longer yearn to be with a man. It’s an ongoing success story of not pulling on men or chasing after them. Something has shifted in me; something new has settled in. I do continue to yearn for food however -- food that has been my comfort for so long. Since quitting my job I’ve wanted more comfort foods and it seems to be deep in my sub-conscious/unconscious. It is a response to fear. I have the tools to get ahead of the old tapes/patterns and insert new inner language and thus new behavior. The key is to stop, slow down and make new choices. It's work! I'm not good at the discipline part of this.

How do bees see? I keep thinking my eyes have something in common with them. I've been too busy to research that right now.


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