
Friday, July 1, 2011


How does the breath enter the body with light? Song lyrics by Wah!/maa. om sri matre, the last song on this CD is total rapture. I am grateful to the Chopra Center and Snychrodestiny for introducing me to Waa. How does the breath enter the body with light is something to digest, meditate on, watch and listen for, and practice.

I woke up happy.

Kundalini Fire is Unconditional Love. How do I know? Both have been my teachers for many years. Both are “mana” that I digest, meditate on, watch and listen for and practice.

Yesterday I experienced a quantum leap like a frog, drew this image and sent a letter to my distant star. This direct communication is not my usual pattern. The pressure was such that it was the right communication. The image represents unconditional love and is both wave and particle for the quantum physics enthusiasts. It’s a pore, an open circle, with space around it. For me at this time it represents outreach.

Outreach is unconditional love moving as pressure through open pores.

I have a lot of fire and it can be overwhelming. I work to regulate it and channel it so it’s logical and balanced for myself and others around me. This fire is naturally inclined to reach out and integrate the parts. It’s something I will be doing with the 67 organizations in SCALLOPS, I’m grateful to have the time to do this work right now. The challenge is getting people to respond.

I will network and promote 3 projects:

1. Summer and Spring Bee Alerts – can they be replicated through these groups?
2. Circle of Life ~ Mapping One’s Story – can my class be useful in any of these groups?
3. Heart and Soul – do these groups recognize this “spiritual” aspect? If so how? My vision is to identify Heart and Soul values perhaps via a survey. The purpose is to unify Transition Towns and Sustainable Cities in Heart and Soul awareness.

I had the strangest experience yesterday as I picked up my pay check from my previous boss. She refused to let my friend who works there bring me my check. So I had to go back. As I was standing in the big barn that is the home and as she went into the next room to get the check I found myself in a saloon with similar dark wood and this woman was getting a gun to shoot me. It wasn’t one of those flashes as it stayed with me for a good amount of time. She was in that room for several minutes. Because of all the other negative/dark images I had when I worked there I have concluded that I know these people from a previous lifetime. What that exactly means I’m not sure. I am sure that I left feeling very peaceful. Another karmic thread recognized and cut because of darkness.

Unconditional Love is both cutting and mending based on Universal Law of Karma. The heart body is the driver of this love while the mind body steers. I write that spontaneously….is it accurate? Is it absolute? I can’t quite get my logical mind around it – as is the way of elusive language that buzzes. Time will tell. My heart body drives me so details of information are secondary.

By thy heart I know thee.


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