
Monday, June 13, 2011

Flower Power

June 11, Saturday: I spent the afternoon with five different men at the Heritage Garden three of whom are volunteers. I marveled at this as there was a time when I didn’t have male friends. At the end of gardening I saw an image of a cobra with its erect upper body and head. I was not drumming or journeying or even being reflective….serpent was simply there in broad daylight of this realm. I acknowledged it but had no idea what its presence meant.

Later in the day I found myself thinking about one certain man –I was missing his connection. This was a complete turnaround and is how it is with this man. He leaves to return again and again. It’s totally out of my hands. It’s totally spiritual. Or maybe it’s that I leave to return again and again. Maybe it’s both of us doing this dance in our separate orbits. Seems to me this is what “unconditional love” is.

When I last saw him my body had said goodbye with my right arm and hand fitting/pressing/hugging vertically against his upper body. It was a gesture that was totally unconscious and was how my body wanted to express/ground passion for him in that moment. As this connection opened up on Saturday so did enchantment that was other dimensional. In the midst of strange images in a strange world my right arm on his upper body became a flower stem. We were flowers!
I am so in love with soil and sun. While bike riding I looked up in the sky and felt a wave of emotion followed by tears. It’s a love like no other. I am a child of Earth and Sky.

June 12, Sunday: I picked up 10 bee kits to launch the Summer Bee Alert project with Crown Bees and Transition Woodinville. As I walked with them to the car I felt a subtle shift – a lifting. I am now a bee keeper with 400 tubular homes for native insects to live so they can pollinate our valley and plateau. It’s a new responsibility, a new role as Gardener.

June 13, Monday: Meditation and drum meditation. Drumming I saw winged ones fly in. Birds….no bees! Bees landed on my body. I drummed. They were bees from all over the planet. My body was Earth body. I drummed noticing they weren’t too lively.


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