
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Higher Chakra Consciousness

Higher chakras are awakening in the body of humankind. How do I know? I am experiencing them.

Thanks to Google:

The Spiritual Chakra 8 to 12
The Pathwork Healing Series
This article is from the Hermes Reality Creator Series Books and or upcoming books.
It is © copyright 1995 - 2011 by Tom DeLiso / Hermes Trismegistus.
Please follow the copyright link for additional copyright information.


Note: You may find this on line article a bit technical, however I have posted it on the website to assist healers in this area. It also contains some useful information for the casual reader.

Advanced Spiritual Chakra System

Chakra 12 - Connection to the Monadic level of divinity, advanced spiritual skills, ascension, connection to the cosmos and beyond

Chakra 11 - Pathwork to the Soul, the individual's ability to acquire advanced spiritual skills (travel beyond the limits of time and space, teleportation, bi-location, instantaneous precipitation of thoughts, telekinesis in some cases)

Chakra 10 - divine creativity, synchronicity of life; the merging of the masculine and feminine within, unlocking of skills contained in the ninth chakra

Chakra 9 - soul blueprint (the individual's total skills and abilities learned in all the life times)

Chakra 8 - energy center of divine love, of spiritual compassion and spiritual selflessness, your karmic residue, activates spiritual skills contained in the seventh chakra,

Chakra 7 - (crown chakra) Traditionally your connection to the divine (Atmic level of divinity), contains programs to be used by 8th chakra including the release of basic psychic skills (telepathy, seeing aura, lucid dreaming, out of body travel, healing)

Besides the normal Chakra Energy System there exists an extended chakra system, which is just now coming into humanity's awareness. This energy system is latent in most people; however, as more people advance spiritually, this extended energy system begins to kick in. This extended system is the next step in the spiritual evolution of the planet. Once, a long time ago, the Great Masters were of the few to access and use this powerful energy system. Now, the time has come for others to become aware of this system and reap the rewards of using it in your daily and spiritual lives.

The present understanding of the chakra system gives you seven plus one (foot to crown). As you will recall in our last chapter, the extra chakra (chakra zero) is your Earth- grounding center, and it is located between the balls of your feet. Now, above the crown chakra are four more, numbered eight to twelve. The main purpose of these extended chakras is to enable the individual to tune into his or her inner god-self, the divine Will, and even the galactic community that surrounds and supports the earth in its evolution.

The first chakra group (zero to seven) are meant to help you with your development in regards to the Earth; they help you to become one with the planet. Then, the next five (eight to twelve) help you to become one with the universe. Your awareness is slowly being moved away from your center (your own self) and being moved outward to encompass the larger framework of other peoples, realities, and divinity itself. In this way, you become more than you were before and more perfect too. As you stop focusing on yourself and begin to focus on these larger energies, you move out of your small world and step into a new universe where almost anything is possible. From a reality creating standpoint this movement in possibilities is very, very powerful.

One of the things that the extended chakra system aids in is the breaking down of the self within the confines of time and space. To move outward into other dimensions and realities is to come face to face with the idea that the physical Earth is just one place of many that you inhabit; that in the more vast regions of the Universe, you have existences that are just as rooted as is your present Earthbound cohabitation. There are things that you do in these other realities, just like you do here on Earth, and these things are just as significant as your physical lives. Furthermore, when you begin to glimpse these other realities and see what is happening, a new picture of what is developing begins to take shape. You realize that all your existences are like individual musical instruments in a great orchestra that you are directing and creating. You see yourself as a being that transcends time and the physical body.


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