
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Tuesday Dream

A bird flies in left to right and rounds out with bright gold, orange, red markings. It has North and South extensions like claws. These claws were three pronged much like the Goddess necklace I wore to SnychroDestiny and like one part of the sacred geometry image.

With the bird is a tall younger woman dressed in jeans. I have an impression that we took each others’ hands much like a hand shake. I ask if she does healing. Emotion wells up in me and tears start to flow. I wake up with a tear running down my face.

There is so much pain in this world. I see it and hear it in different circumstances in my life: in circles of family, friends and community. And I see it and hear it on TV: men using rape as a weapon of war, torture, greed, hatred. All based in disrespect of others rooted in disrespect for oneself.

Humans have forgotten their identity in Light and become lost in Darkness.

When will the human species re-member and evolve? What will it take?


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