
Thursday, June 9, 2011

June 4:

Room with white light. Light extends downward overarching. I go down to green Frog and mud. I bathe in mud. I listen. I watch. I start to leave coming back up. I hear “wait, not yet, there is more” so I go back and am eye to eye with what looks like a blue-black fly. I think “Blue Orchard Bee” or BOB! I have met Bob. An acknowledgment.

Yesterday I met Dave Hunter with Crown Bees. He’s a national researcher and communicates with bee keepers and scientists worldwide. He showed me his list of worldwide emails. Excitedly I asked if we could share some of those stories. Permission would be required. I’m ready to jump into this bee project. Everything is in place through crown bees all that is needed is outreach and inviting people to participate in this BOB research project. I can easily do that.

One woman (the same one) says that I am usurping her bee project. She wants to get more information and more people. I want to take action, move. She says I “should” be working with someone else and other kinds of bees. I asked her not to “should” me. I immediately included a couple other people from Transition in our email dialogue. It helped as she was much more careful (this time) about what she said, how she said it. I have emphasized how much I value her and our friendship and that I hoped we could work together. She was invited to the meeting with Dave but didn’t show up. Dark and Light hand in hand moving as one.

I was so happy to see a few people respond with gratitude to my introspective email about the turning of cycles and rhythms. My “coming out” process continues. I am more and more on the outside who I am on the inside in this world.

I am creating my reality and find myself working at BarnPlace with a young woman who resonates with Native American culture, fairies and Yogananda.

Life is enchanting as job searches/unemployment ends. What a gift that was allowing time for my life to settle in place. No doubt it continues to settle.


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