
Thursday, June 2, 2011

War Behind Wars

There is a war behind all wars taking place on Planet Earth. That war is between human beings and Goddess, the Divine Feminine.

Winged ones hold the reigns and live behind the veil of consciousness.

Where there is Goddess there is heart centeredness through nurturing, peace and grace. Her opposite is taking away, confrontation and chaos. Goddess threads of opposing Light and Dark weave for the good of the whole.

Humans lift their consciousness to green heart letting go of lower chakra attachments.

Humans align with winged ones underground and overarching.

Humans shift karma of war to karma of peace.

Let natural forces unfurl in fury. Let the old pass away.

New governance arises on the horizon of Planet Earth.

Welcome loved ones. I see you. I acknowledge you in beating wings.

We are one heart, one brain, one body of Cosmic Grace.


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