
Thursday, June 2, 2011

Dear Transition Woodinville

Dear Transition Woodinville Members and Friends:

Transition Woodinville went through a very active phase from October to May. Right now we are very quiet and inactive. These are natural rhythms of Nature: ebb/flow, inhale/exhale, inward/outward, feminine/masculine. Nature has much to teach us about how to live in balance.

So, please in this quiet time don't feel that TW is not moving forward. Take this time to go within and listen to your own rhythms. It's in the quiet that I am inspired and then I am on fire to take action. It's like winter turning to summer in a circle of life expression.

It's the emotional dance of Mother Earth's Spring turning to Summer to Autumn and to Winter. It's a dance of Nature and all her forces. Something most humans take for granted.

In this thread of introspection I'd like to invite you all to our Summer Solstice event on June 21 at the Heritage Garden. Details will be out soon. Let's celebrate our Mother and the turning of one season into the next. And let's celebrate each other in this abundant valley and community. We have much to be thankful for as we turn to summer.

Heart and Soul,



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