
Thursday, June 9, 2011

Creative Process

An email to some Transition Woodinville members:


I'm sorry to hear about your dad. I know that process of parenting our parents can be stressful. Let me know if I can support you in any way. I know that you and I have had our differences but we also have common ground -- heart to heart -- that goes beyond any difference.

I emailed about "rhythms" with a Solstice invitation. I was very active in April with UNLEASHING and in May I was very still and inactive. One morning I woke up with a whole picture of a bee project and then called Dave Hunter. This is how my "creative process" works and surprises me as well as others. This is why I moved forward with a bee project and I meant no disrespect for ______ or her process. I was "inspired" to move in a certain direction. Inspiration hits me after I've been still or quiet. I see it as masculine/outgoing energy and feminine/ingoing energy. This has been happening in my life for many years and is part of that "shamanic" path that I travel. Being telepathic and psychic is not something I talk about openly because so many "Christians" view it as the work of the devil. Lately I feel that I am "coming out" as a "shaman" and being who I am from the inside out. My recent trip to Sedona for the Deepak Chopra workshop and doing a drum meditation at Kachina Woman Vortex added to this experience.

I am attaching a flyer DRAFT of a summer research bee project with Dave Hunter at Crown Bees. I want to change the title to something more upbeat in the way of Transition, some words and use a more creative flyer template. We want to get this out into the community asap. What would be a catchier title?:

Up With Bees
Bee Fruit Full
Bees Count
Bee Lookout
Bee Alert
Bee Tracking

Thanks for sharing through listening and responding / responding and listening.


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