
Monday, June 20, 2011

Bee Ready for Change

Enter Bees…and something intense hits the fan.

It began in the morning as I was weeding my strawberry patch and thinking that I weeded strawberries when I was five and I’m still weeding as an Elder. Suddenly I hear “STOP” as I was pulling out the choking buttercup. I continue and hear “DON’T” and I continue. Later I wonder, “What was that?” I’ve never heard a plant deva broadcast so loudly. Now I have to go back, listen more and make amends of some kind. I like soil and open space around plants. Do I need to change this?

I went to work on the farm and negativity was moving through my mental wheels as I worked the earth. I wondered where it was coming from as I had no reason to be thinking this way. Later I learned that one of the owners was mad at me for something I did. I recognized the pattern as the last time she was negative/mad at me I had negative thoughts run through my mind. Interesting how negativity that surrounds me can create thoughts that sound like my own but are not.

Then I had a run-in with the other owner who was very rude. Then someone else did something to make herself look good at my expense. And after work a new garden volunteer and I had a confrontation.

What is going on? At the farm I have been getting impressions of plantation workers, farm hands, ranch hands who have worked under the authority of others. The impressions are not healthy or loving. They are about dominance. Are these from my past life or am I tuning in to the Akashik records or collective consciousness? I am starting to look for another job and that choice will depend on how things go at work today and tomorrow.

I notice that I’m not worried about my future this time around. My morning drumming meditation ended with “I am not afraid.”

Something very new is happening. Laying in bed I felt like I was in a dome bee hive with those cozy cubbies – hexagons??? My world is now even more strange than it was.
I sold the first Bee Alert kit last night at the Bike Maintenance Reskilling Class. This was an over the top positive experience. I felt appreciated and loved and that vibration weaved all around the room. Buzzing good!

The farm where I work is now using Round Up. It's just another toxic issue on that beautiful piece of property. I quit this job this morning due to the negativity and dysfunction. There is a better pt job out there for me. Now to attract it my way.

I’ve been thinking about the Buttercup Deva and am aware of its choking ability. I cannot let it choke out my strawberries or other crops in this and other gardens. I acknowledge it as a Being now and give it more space in the gardens now. I'm still listening, learning.


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