
Saturday, July 2, 2011

Left, Right, Center

I am the center of my Circle of Life map. These are my stories that make me unique and provide me both lessons and gifts that only I can receive and give. You are the center of your Circle of Life map. Your stories make you unique and provide you both lessons and gifts that only you can receive and give.

Years ago he said, “Can’t I and the children be enough for you?” In response I left my family and set out to discover my Self, the center of my universe. I never went too far as my family is very dear to me.

As I reflect on my journey I see that I have created a bubble around my Self. Now, that bubble holds harmonious relationships, activities, work, food, etc. It’s ongoing work to sustain harmony and equilibrium and doing so I have had to cut people, activities, work and some foods out of my life.

The bubble holds vibration and chemistry. It holds color and sound. It is a compass that leads me forward and a resting place that holds me still. It is protecting in its rounded projection.

Unconditional love is the standard by which this bubble stays intact and afloat. Unconditional love is not for another or others. It is first and foremost for one Self – one’s Love of Self! This seems so very shallow/flat and ego self-centered when in Truth it is full/round and Sacred Self-Centered.

A friend joined Transition Woodinville. He was invited to our Full Moon Fire Circle, July 15, but is going to the Sundance in South Dakota. Talking with him last night I learned that he is becoming a member of that tribe after 20 years of association. I also learned that his mother’s (now 90 and still hiking, driving) family was responsible for bringing Yogananda to the United States. He said that he doesn’t resonate with yoga in the way he does with Native American culture. We talked about Yogananda being cosmic in orientation whereas Native Culture is earth centered. I like holding both paths and walking them in my own way. Maybe they are holding me and walking me! Or…maybe we hold one another and walk as One. Perhaps this is information and inspiration held in that leap frog image I drew this past week.

New language letters and words will hold both information and inspiration. I see! That symbol I drew is a letter and a word that communicates both aspects of one circle. It is like sacred geometry. This evolving form of sacred geometry is not flat, one-dimensional. It connects dots through space time. It goes in, through, out and around again and again. This spin is sacred language!

Enter Sacred Masculine and Sacred Feminine two aspects of one whole and holy connection. When will scientists see what’s in front of them? When they walk in sacred circle of knowing rather than thinking and analyzing.

How I love this process of communication that opens in-sight. This is my daily sacred practice.

What does this new language tell us? It tells us that our individual and global brain has new parts in a new whole and that there is new communication through higher emotional intelligence.

Celebrate! Celebrate that which is all around you...and where there are dark spots...go around them in love.


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