
Monday, July 4, 2011

At-Traction & Eros

Yesterday afternoon I was feeling that love connection with distant star. The force is a new passion that's more than sexual. This force between us has evolved over the years. It's evolved in the whole because it has evolved in the parts.

Spiritual connection comes first and then the denser forms appear. This is true in this relationship as it is in my own heart/mind/body relationship. Words and language are part of that equation of spirit to form in expression on earth.

As I felt this sun beam like love coming in I found myself responding into space,
"You move me so very much." As I said this I saw the "traction" and gripping power of sun light on earth so that spin is the response.

At-traction is the new word that comes into play.

Talking with my friend Carl just now we exchanged some stories. I heard that Agape love is unconditional whereas Eros is about give and take through God/Goddess forces.


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