Hummingbird Medicine

I was reflecting on the source of the tingling sensation I felt in body when I connected with hummingbird. Where was that located? It wasn't at the top of my head, my heart, or lower chakras. So, I'm, determining this deep resonance was at my solar plexus. From there it rippled/radiated throughout my body. I felt like a child--maybe the emotion running through this relationship was pure joy!
Jamie Sams Medicine Cards
Hummingbird is associated with the Ghost Shirt religion, which taught that a certain dance done properly would bring about the return of the animals and that white people would disapear. Once again the Original People would know the joy of the old ways. In Mayan teachings, Hummingbird is connected to the Black Sun and the Fifth World. Hummingbird can give us the medicine to solve the riddle of the contradiction of duality.
The song of Hummingbird awakens the medicine flowers. Hummer sings a vibraion of pure joy. Flowers love the Hummingbird because nectar-sucking brings about the reproduction of their families. Plants flower and live because of Hummingbird.
Hummingbird can fly in any direction -- up, down, backwards, and forwards. Hummingbird can also hover in one spot and appear to be motionless. Great Spirit created hummingbird to be slightly different from other feathered creatures.
Because of their magical qualities, Hummingbird feathers have been used for a millennium in the making of love charms. It is said that Hummingbird conjures love as no other medicine does, and that Hummingbird feathers open the heart. Without an open and loving heart, you can never taske the nectar and pure bliss of life. To Brother and Sister Hummingbird, life is a wonderland of delight--darting from one beautiful flower to another, tasting the essences, and radiating the colors.
If Hummingbird is your personal medicine, you love life and its joys. Your presence brings joy to others. You join people together in relationships which bring out the best in them. You know instinctively where beauty abides and near or far you journey to your idea. You move comfortable within a beautiful environment and help others taste the succeulent nectar of life.
Hummingbird holds the Bow of Beauty which is delicately inlaid with gold and silver flowers, pearls, and precious jewels. Hummingbird disdains ugliness or harshness and quickly flies away from discord or disharmony.
It Hummingbird has flown in...get ready to laugh musically and enjoy Creators many gifts. Drop your judgmental attitude and relax. Hummingbird will no dout give you a flas of the spirit, darting here, there and everywhere. Get ready for a strange new burst of energy which may send your senses reeling.
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