
Saturday, July 23, 2011


I was in my garden this morning taking pictures of the squash blossoms and zuchini...I'm so happy to have fruit as the past two years there was none. Thank you bees and pollination! Also ate the first raspberries from my garden. My poor home garden has been neglected due to the amount of time I spend at other gardens...however, it seems quite happy.

As I was taking pictures of the nasturtiums I saw quick movements in the leaves. A hummingbird flew up to my face and looked directly into my eyes. I watched it and my body vibrated with something I have not felt before. I was elated! Then a second hummingbird flew in...the first greenish at the back...the second reddish on the throat. They flew toward one another and exchanged contact beak to beak making a high-pitched sound. It seemed to be about whose flowers were whose. I watched them flitter about for several minutes.

Medicine cards have much to say about hummingbird. I will add that and photos...


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