
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Muscle Development

Had a brain/eye/hand (new muscle!) coordination breakthrough working on my taxes. I have had so much struggle getting my eyes to focus on details. However, I've been doing a little each day and this week I am whizzing with the numbers on the calculator and scanning the pages of data. I'm not sure how I'm going to do cashiering at the Farm when there is a long line of people.

Met with my new Transition friend who is very academic. Her suggestions for Circle of Life do not ring true for me. She wants me to explain this and that. To expound on this and that. I cannot speak that language. I teach differently. And at the same time I know that I have my own resistance so I am staying open to meeting her half way. She did have some good artistic ideas that could work. This woman has a 17-year-old son, Dana, who helps me in the garden. These people feel like family. Transition is such a blessing!



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