
Saturday, July 23, 2011

Gravity and Black Holes

For a long time I’ve felt uncomfortable around people. This has to do with the kundalini snap at the back of my neck when I was in England years ago. The myth that was present at that time and in that place was The Lady of the Lake that talks about a lady who was frozen and it reminded me of my plight at that time. I’ll have to look for that story in my files. Lately I’m noticing that I am more comfortable around people. And though I continue to like my solitude I am enjoying gardening and being with people especially my Transition friends and blood family. I’m so comfortable that I’m thinking about intentional community. Love expands in community and brings with it a whole new equation that includes a sense of safety—a homeostasis.

Two days ago I was depressed and negative thoughts kept playing in my head. The next day I was care free...happy. There seems to be an emotional expansion and contraction process going on as I continue to work quarter time and pull from savings. Perhaps I need to consider an alternative banking system that might give me a new sense of security. I heard that Hopelink (a mainstream non-profit) in Redmond initiated a Time Bank for its clients. That is encouraging! At Dana’s recent concert I connected with someone in Redmond and am now building bridges with Sustainable Redmond. Each Transition town and Sustainable city has their own unique culture and we all tend to be separate. As parts we need to bridge and interact so that this substance of love can weave its creativity and “livelihood”….is the word that comes through. It’s a word that is being used by Transition Snoqualmie Valley for an upcoming event of which I am involved in. I love being a part of my neighboring sustainable groups.

The other day I wrote to someone about “pulling together a committee” and this statement came up for me this morning. Does radiation have gravitational force? How does reflection relate? If radiation is energy and matter absorbs, reflects and dances in response what role does the force of gravity play?

From the book The Universe that I read to my grand children:

What is gravity?
Gravity is the mutual attraction [is not attraction the electro-magnetism of two opposite parts; is not electro-magnetism an alchemical relationship; is this relationship unconditional love?] between every single bit of matter in the universe. The more matter there is, and the closer it is, the stronger the attraction. A big dense planet pulls much more than a small one, or one that is far away. The sun is so big, it makes its pull felt over millions of miles of space. The earth is smaller, but big enough to keep the Moon circling around it. The weight of an object is simply how hard gravity is pulling on it.
What is a black hole?

If a small star is very dense it may begin to shrink under the pull of its own gravity. As it shrinks, it becomes denser and denser and it gravity becomes more and more powerful—until it shrinks to a single tiny point of infinite density called singularity. The gravitational pull of a singularity is so immense that it pulls space into a “hole” like a funnel. This is the black hole, which sucks in everything that comes near it with huge gravitational force—including light, which is why it is a “black” hole.

So, the other day when I was depressed and dark I was experiencing my own black hole! I have always wondered how my light was consumed during these opposite times of an emotional cycle. So to be healthy/balanced one can learn to work with one’s dark side. That means accepting one’s emotions and letting them move in appropriate ways that don’t cause harm to others. Negative emotions can be processed internally…in the intimacy of one’s self. Emotional expression does not make one weak! Emotional expression is the movement of day and night and all other natural processes that Nature does in harmony with universal law and order.

It’s important to remember that as dark as it gets light is around the bend. And as light as it gets remember….darkness is around the bend. The difference in my life these days is that the darkness is not as dense and does not last very long. And yet I walk through the darkness and feel the void. Eye remains at center as heart body does the dance.


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