
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Spiritual Intimacy & Moon Shadow

Historical event last week that needs to be recognized by grounding through language. It was a dialogue between sun, moon and earth—my own and with another. The result was a new vibration that I can only identify as spiritual intimacy. It felt alchemical, mystical, magical in its binding/bonding effect. Love takes on new dimension that was easy and natural in its expression.

I continue to catch moon beam shadows. They are like arcs that go under and around. Shadows have to do with unconscious negative language and I am catching them in their tracks. It’s amazing how negatively programed I am and it seems to have to do with gravity. I find myself going around and/or through this force to a higher Truth. Or perhaps there is a pathway opened for Truth to descend. One example is that my garden at home can feel like a chore. I heard the language, “See your garden as a gift of joy even if it isn’t perfect. Enjoy it. Thank it.”

I’m also seeing W/S/E arc and W/N/E arc. Gravity is in the south and Truth comes in from the North. Gravity can be transcended.

Fun to attend an event with hundreds of people and let gravity move me. I kept running into some of the same people as if the universe was saying that we needed to meet. I let gravity of the moment move me here and there as my heart, mind, body relaxed into it. A few people ran up to me in reunion in response to gravity.

Gravity is showing itself with two differest aspects: that which unifies bringing parts together and that which holds one down in negative space. More to listen and watch for: learn!


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