
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Moon in Focus

Several nights ago I awoke from deep sleep and caught someone carrying me away in their arms. It was creepy, grey, misty. I awoke a second time to someone pushing me on my upper arm in a bullying way. Again creepy. I awoke a third time in that deep state of trance to reassuring lightness. I was protected. I was safe. There are dark and light forces in the depths of night and in the depths of psyche. We keep watch.

People are lethargic as if hypnotized, in a spell. We wake up and catch the goblins in their tracks for ourselves and for the whole.

Focus shifts from sun to moon. Moon with its gravitational push and pull on Earth and its emotional impact on our lives. Moon has unique revolving relationship with Earth. This has personal application in my life and I make adjustments keeping some things quiet so that spells are not woven as before.

Unbinding happens naturally as the old passes away and the new is born.

Days ago I noticed a warm connection with my previous boss at the farm. How did this happen? I did not intentionally try to change the alchemy of that relationship. In fact I had let it go in the same way I had let it begin…through open hearted emotion. Through this spontaneous language I see that open heartedness includes negative as well as positive. I invited the farm to be a sponsor of an upcoming concert and they agreed. Healing happens through us when a resilient body is aligned with a resilient heart.

Reminding me that last weekend I chose to reach out to a woman who wasn’t very kind to me initially. In fact I had complained about her to a couple of people. This time she was warm and open. It’s amazing how quickly healing can happen when a heart is open and the body is resilient in response. Can such healing occur on a larger scale? Why not?

Reminding me of another woman I saw riding her bike on the river trail. We had a fight years ago and though I’ve reached out to her several times she remains frozen –unforgiving. Hard hearted stubborness has its alchemical effects as well.

In the past 15 years I’ve related to a few men telepathically in mystical realms. These men have not been able to speak to me in this realm. It's as if there was a shield between us. What do I conclude from this? I am concluding that if I want to have a spiritually intimate/whole and holy relationship here on Earth it looks like I need to do something different—something outside of that spell zone that can freeze the flow of emotion…and disrupt Nature…as both are intertwined. What does this say about me? I think it says that I am now more of an earthling than before; that I now want to be in this body more than I want to be flying through dimensions. A definite shift for me and yes it’s true. I’m ready for a grounded and mature relationship with a man who can express emotion and logic in this realm.


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