
Friday, August 12, 2011

Book of Shadows

Bursting through
Bubble of illusion
Breaking spell
Bound by years

Today my magical number 9 shows up at my new job and as I send letter to Circle Sanctuary in Wisconsin.

After I wrote about the moon recently I heard on the news that Earth used to have two moons and that they collided giving the moon its appearance that we see today.

At a bookstore yesterday I was looking at a Wicca journal and saw mention of the Book of Shadows. I googled that and see that it encompasses spells, potions, and charms of all sorts. What am I supposed to do with this new information and direction in my stream of consciousness/life? As always...time will tell.

I am crazed about this work that I do. I am dedicated and it does feel that time is a factor. Day by day I choose to communicate that which reveals itself to me. I want to be in synch with this flow and do its bidding. I let go of some of the other activities in my life so that I can be more balanced in stillness and action.


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