
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Eros Expresses

Brother of a friend flew in from Pittsburg with blue eyes and mannerisms that acutely reminded me of my previous boyfriend…both very pagan and into blacksmithing. He oozed sexuality and immediately asked me about my “significant other.” He is married and I drew lines. Later he talked with three of us about his 30 year marriage and their honest agreement to have other lovers. Together they participate in various sexual circles/communities. At one time the group wanted to know which couple could have the most orgasms. I commented it sounded like a science project and asked where the sacred was in that behavior. He was studying Tantra and I asked what chakra that was activating and suggested that Tantra was the exact opposite.

At one point I started to mention angels and he interrupted me immediately. I raised my right hand to his face and demanded, “Let me finish.” I proceeded to tell these friends about a night of hot passionate reunion with a boyfriend and that when he left an angel appeared looking like a Grecian Goddess with the name Gabrielle. I pointed out that angels enjoy earthy pleasure. Guess it’s good to interject angels in any discussion. I noticed how my body was very responsive to this man’s sexual energy. He felt so familiar…did I know him from a previous lifetime? And while my body was arcing one way my heart and mind were not on the same path. I’ve been there and done that regarding casual sex and carry much more wisdom in these elder years.

I gave him a copy of my Circle of Life booklet and he wanted to do the mapping project. I noticed how in each quadrant he drew a house though we didn’t have time to consider the meaning. In return he bought me Circle Magazine – Celebrating Nature, Spirit, and Magic suggesting that I submit an article about Circle of Life and place an ad. Perhaps this is the audience for my book.
It’s very curious how I feel past-life connection with so many people in my life. How could I have been with all these people? I’m beginning to wonder about “avatar” relationships and if we are angels for one another and then shape shift into form of dense matter? I suspect because of that spell zone that we have both dark and light avatars watching over us and pulling on us. Our direction depends on our Eye of Focus.

Three times this past weekend someone asked me about smoking pot and I am wondering if Life is suggesting that I loosen up! I find that comical as I have no interest in sex or pot as a drug of choice. My drug is food…acidic food that makes me inflamed and hot. Why are we all seeking to be hot? Why don’t we chill out and cool down? What is driving us and making us so crazed? Is Earth heating up and humans feeling the effects? Is Earth preparing to burst into new radiance of rapture for the over arcing purpose of evolution? Is our work, as conscious participants, to assist with this creative process? If so, let us generate air, earth and water as Spirit, Life and Truth? If so, let’s gather as parts and do this work in dramatic and dynamic ways so that the heat is contained within our forms and structures. We can do this sacred work. We came here individually and collectively at this time to do so! Let Us Begin…a great John Denver song!

There is an excellent article in the Circle magazine about finding the sacred withing the profane. The author was an exotic dancer when young and her experiences took her into the "divinity of Goddess consciousness." The article opened my heart and mind. A friend is in a "friends with benefits" relationship, sleeping with a second man and dating others. What is all this telling me? My Truth is that Eros came into my living consciousness (not something I read about or learned from an expert) as community. Now, community is revealing their Eros experiences! There is no room for judgement as we all are on the same sexual spectrum at different phases and stages of our lives. I wonder about balance so that humans treat one another with respect. Love creates balance as it moves on the sexual spectrum. That balance holds a center in the parts and in the whole.


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