
Saturday, September 10, 2011

Galactic Center

As I was chopping cabbage Friday morning I felt a moment when I could not stay centered…that I was being pulled outwards spinning in different directions. This intensity has been going on for some time. It can feel like coming apart at the seams. I especially experience this in my compulsive/addictive relationship with sweets and overeating. Old patterns pull on me. This is part of that intensity of change. There are new choices moment by moment and the main one is to stop, breathe, be still. I suspect this pulling is happening with people collectively as well as with Mother Earth as we move into the 2012 galactic center of the universe. Gravitational forces are affected. Old micro/macro patterns are being put through the “wringer” as new ones are putting pressure on us to be born. This is a universal time of fertility in fire of transformation: a restructuring of matter.

Relationships are more personal now. This is a major shift in my life as I’ve preferred solitude and nature over people. Just this week I sat with various Transition friends to simply chat. I can now say that I have several male friends! At the Grange meeting the other night a couple of women were talking about my activism in the community. A woman standing next to me said “Trish is our strongest activist” and as she spoke she patted the top of my head. It was very sweet and genuine and my heart space vibrated a new pulse for some time after that. Annie at Woodinville Patch wants to “add a voice” to the article I submitted for International Day of Peace. We will do a phone interview Monday morning right after the Transition US conference call with Rob Hopkins.

I was asked to work Sunday morning at the Farm Tour. I chose not to as my body wants to be at Unity Church. Amazing! This is nothing I planned or intended. My body wants/needs the meditation, singing, and energetic field that I feel immersed in there. Nice when a choice is this clear!

As a female I am receptive and dominant. There is a third charge: neutrality. This is not stillness at center but an energetic expression on the e-motional spectrum. What determines the charge of - / + is the Great Mystery of merging collective forces swimming in the Great Universal Pulse. - / + are responses of Body in this realm of polarity. The Pulse is what holds these parts.


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