
Friday, September 2, 2011

Circle Way of Life

Busy as a bee! Time to slooow down.

Harvesting calendula I wondered if it had a song for me. A song came through and I keep singing it in the field. Today I asked lemon verbena (heavenly!) if it had a song...still listening.

Thinking about communal living. Would be great to have my own cabin on a communal garden/farm. Body wants to start sorting through stuff and thinning out. Am I going to move?

Charge at North and South poles = spin = rotation = change = motion of e-motion.

Some Transition folks want more structure. I expressed my way of living in the moment listening/watching and structure is not a priority to me. I'd prefer the circle that has structure but also space in which spirit can move through the parts. How do I communicate that indigenous way of living/being? All I can do is be myself which does seem to polarize at times.

Working to find language to promote my Circle of Life class. I am teaching it in Tacoma 9/19 and at Transition Snoqualmie Valley's Right Livelihood event on 11/5. I have yet to get this off the ground and it seems to have to do with my readiness and comfort zone.


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