
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Blind Spots

I am held in a gravitational field. I hold a gravitational field. The parts and the whole spinning in space as one.

The other night I felt like the field was tilting and I was falling off. But then I understood what was happening and found solid ground again.

As I was talking with a woman in Transition Woodinville I saw something new: how I was acting out of separation. I saw a blind spot...I saw shadow! Seeing anew helps me love myself and others more. This Love is protective in its Truth like a screen that filters out impurities.

When I saw him in person he felt greasy -- his aura cloudy. When I saw his picture on FB recently I sensed the same. I'm concerned about his health as "liver" comes up. What do I do with this unfounded information? Like everything else I simply throw it out into the universal field.


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