
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Quantum Leap, Quantum Pulse

pulse - definition of pulse by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus ...

pulse 1 (p ls). n. 1. The rhythmical throbbing of arteries produced by the regular contractions of the heart, especially as palpated at the wrist or in the neck. 2. a. ...

Impulse - Pulsere - Pulse counter - Pulse duration

A new Pulse moves through head, heart, hands. Pulse in the whole body is dominant, masculine, setting the pace and tone for the parts. If those parts act separately, on a tangent, there is disharmony and imbalance.

I stressed and strained a body part and my busy-ness came to a screeching halt. What a change! My whole field began to hold a different vibration. I noticed in my walk that there was a charge above my head and my whole body resonated with a new still quality. I was at rest yet in motion like a walking meditation.

I learn to hold a new charge that is both positive and negative. This charged pulse moves through the parts and is the whole.

In the forced stillness I feel lifeless, depressed. It’s like being consumed. Once again some voice reminded me that this was the dark before the dawn, that something new was about to be born in evolving consciousness. In the midst of this cycle I can never imagine what that is and have no choice but to yield full force to these e-motions that move me.

Monday, Labor Day, I intended solitude and went to my garden. Two Transition women friends joined me to get zucchini and we chatted about a regional calendar as we begin to plan for 2012. When they left two other women on bikes stopped by and commented about the good vibe there. Walking back with my wheel barrow another woman, a stranger, joined me and chatted the entire way home. My solitude was just that…within my contained space. The social outgoingness did not dissipate my energy field. I held myself in balance aware of the top of my head and thus my whole body.

The community calendar idea that was born Monday is significant as parts are pulled together from a larger region outside the valley. My new pt job is significant as I support community events for Olympic Nursery and Sammamish Valley Alliance. Being invited to a meeting tonight with three local men to debrief and plan ahead is also significant. I am being included in a larger whole! This busy-ness holds new meaning now that Pulse has revealed itself. I have new energy to connect the dots/the parts because seeing and being has evolved. To prevent burn out is my personal responsibility so that I can do this larger work of heart in heart body.

I have not reached Pulse Consciousness alone. For several years (seven, I think) I have done this evolutionary work with another two-legged male who lives in this realm. In this experience I have learned, cycle by cycle and season by season, to be receptive as he is dominant. It’s an attractive pattern/chemistry that works naturally. It’s an experience of Pulse….a song moving through head, heart and hands. I am very grateful for this man and our experience of co-operation and co-creation in and through Sacred Masculine and Sacred Feminine.

I look to this day with all its tasks. There is something new! I no longer feel overwhelmed by the work load. My circular map of the day holds positive/outgoing activity AND negative/inward stillness. They take turns around the wheel one after the other….a dance of balance. I see it now I have to manage it. This is an intense time of change!


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