
Friday, March 16, 2012

Doors of Community

Another quantum leap; another break through; another door opened.

I attended a Woodinville Chamber luncheon to hear our friend Mike Tanksley debate on the urban growth boundary with someone advocating for it to be changed so the city can annex properties in our agricultural valley within that boundary. At the end of the event I was surprised when Brenda from 21 Acres announced to the audience that Transition Woodinville was partnering with them on an Earth Day event and that I was offering an indigenous ceremony. My surprise was that this was not my “agenda.” That response and feedback was directly from the community. This opens up linkage with a larger community. It’s time! Change is from the community, from the ground up, around and out into expression.

I continue to carry a spark of enthusiasm for the Happiness Initiative. Lately I’ve wanted to introduce it to the economic development committee. The new mayor was at the luncheon so I approached him. He remembered me from city council meetings and my two talks about the Happiness Initiative. He was very open and honest with me saying that many on the council didn’t see how this topic related to city business. I asked if they had an economic development committee and that this initiative has a direct role in that process. He said that he understood and was supportive. He asked that I send him a summary for the economic development committee of which he is a member. He named a couple of other people he thought would also be supportive.

In 2013 the City of Woodinville is going to have its Woodinville Celebration event in the fall rather than the spring as it’s been doing for 19 years. I would like this event to showcase the results of a Woodinville Happiness Survey. So we need to “roll this out” (a term I’m using a lot right now) in a few months meaning we need to get buy in and the survey in place so we can have results at our 2013 citywide event. I notice that I am using “we” instead of “I”…I am doing this work with community.

Which reminds me: at one point yesterday I wondered why I was jumping into new projects when the last one wasn’t even dry. Didn’t I need a vacation? Vacation for me is living alone away from community. Vacation for me is going out for meals alone or with friends, family. Vacation is part of my daily experience. However, I am seeing myself at a favorite spa and retreat center.

Yesterday I was driving home from the Chamber luncheon and saw what looked like a naked woman with a blanket around her walking down the street. I saw that she was walking toward the coffee shop that has had protests regarding the scantily clad baristas.

Dream: I was walking naked outside my house and walking back in…again and again. I saw myself doing this in the dream and notices that I had no self-consciousness in shame or guilt. I noticed that men were gathering outside my door. I was surprised when one man walked in and faced me. I wondered how he got in as it was locked. He wore essence of white. Other men came in. I was not afraid of them nor was I self-conscious. They all left. This does relate to my food issues that continue to dissolve.

That was one freeing dream! No shame or guilt about my life-long body issues. No fear of men around me. Quantum leap, break through, open doors at a whole different level. No, make that at a different level of one whole. Thank you! I always say “thank you” to the powers that BE because I live and breathe in a mysterious and wonderful womb.


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