
Sunday, March 18, 2012

Self-Organizing Systems and Fairies

Months ago I felt a block with someone at the core of SCALLOPS. We were emailing smoothly but after I met her in person the flow stopped and the connection went cold. Recently I’ve been working with this core group and am now aware of how differently I see and work in community. I’m like an open door trusting each part to contribute what is right for them so that communication from each part and between the parts is open and free flowing. I don’t put out rules and regulations to block energetic expression from people nor do others in our Transition Woodinville system. Thus TW is self-organizing—the only way to be sustainable. Self-organizing is organic and natural creating a porous network of working parts.

I see that I’m using the terms wet, dry, cold and that these words (parts) in my language (whole) are telling a story. I let them move through me because I am porous – receptive! Here’s that “wrapping around” dynamic. I sense this has to do with alchemy—the mystical process of turning lead (Matter) into gold (Light). This mystical process is Light moving through Matter expressing its inherent porous/self-organizing Nature.

Wet/dry have to do with atmosphere, temperature, climate. All systems are adjusting at this level of downloaded energy.

I am pulled to attend the Fairy Congress to spend time with RJ Stewart, David Spangler and Brook Medicine Eagle, Skeeter, old friends as well as the community at large. Skalitude is a land of enchantment and the music, dance, conversation, play, workshops celebrate just that spirit.

I have submitted my workshop proposal that includes:

Why: To tap into inner creativity and let it flow through memory, imagination, senses, right and left brain, nerves, and muscles into colorful words and art that create a Fairy Mandala.

Community: By posting fairy mandalas (via individual permission) for community viewing the larger Fairy Congress can see what the fairies are saying through each mapping participant. This collective and transcending art experience enhances the language of the Fairies and demonstrates in a direct way how each individual is a channel of expression for the Fairy realm and their very own Fairy Nature.


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