
Friday, April 27, 2012


I left out a critical piece of my jaguar experience: As this 3D “real” time (not dreamtime or vision) event unfolded I was immersed in an energy field of White Light. I now know several people who are working with Arch Angel Michael and focusing on Dark Reptilians. (My reptilian friends such as Spiral Serpent and Blue Ray Dragon are of Light.) My new woman friend who did the healing session with me thinks Tracker (a 3D male) is a Dark Reptilian. Dark "reptilian" forces I experience and see in the world feel to be pulling human strings through impulsive addictions: food, sex, violence, sports, TV, education, drugs, fame, money, child birth creating overpopulation, etc. The purpose of the healing session was for me to own my power and release Tracker’s attachments. Over many years he has intentionally imposed his psychic energy into my personal space through toxic assault. After screaming in release of toxic cord I commented to my healer friend that it felt like an exorcism. After writing about it I see that it was an extraction. I am the one in power as Tracker wants something from attention, my life force, my Light. And who/what wants something from Tracker? Who/what pulls his strings? It’s definitely not Light nor beings associated with Light. It’s time to heal oneself and our Beloved Mother using tools of the Sacred Feminine in “negative” space…space in between dense matter which is part of one energetic spectrum. It’s as if the flow of Light has been cut of...or maybe it has never been in place in this 3D realm and that we are evolving into a new Light Field. Tracker and dark forces associated are busted! Attachments begone! Implants begone! The Human species claims its Heart and Soul. White Light spreads and prevails in us and through us. We are here to do this Work that includes unconscious, subconscious and conscious levels of intelligence and thus enlightenment. Healing alignment through free flow of Spiritual substance cell to cell, heart/mind to heart/mind, human to human we align and release the dark ravenous cancer that has been destroying matter of our precious body personally and globally. Gratitude!


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