
Friday, April 13, 2012

Annexation or Buffer Zones

These are words I spoke at the King County Council meeting last night regarding annexation of the Urban Growth Boundary. One person after another stood at the mic talking about how much they value our ag land. Friend Ron even used the word "love" and another used the word "sacred"...emotional language has a place in city politics! I introduced my self as the founder of Transition Woodinville.

Annexation or Buffer Zones?

Old politics revolves around self-interest with its language of “you vs me” and “us vs them.” New politics revolves around community interest with its language of positive solutions, inclusion and the creative genius of community.

What are positive solutions regarding the Agriculture Production District and annexation? How do we determine what’s best for the whole community? We listen to one another, acknowledge our differences and respectfully find solutions that work for the whole.

Ag land is critical to the well being of a community. It has the potential of feeding its people in times of crisis. Which is why local food should be a component of our emergency preparedness plan.

Cities, farms and farmers need to be partners not isolated neighbors. Together we can find ways to be creative, productive and contribute to the local economy.

We live in challenging times. With climate change we may not have oranges and grapefruits coming in from other states. So, let’s cultivate more local fruit.

With rising gas prices we may not always see trucks rolling in to grocery stores. So, let’s support ag land, small farms, community gardens and our farmer’s market.

The boundaries of the APD have already been compromised. There are businesses in this district that are not ag related. What good are boundaries if they are not honored? When something is taken away from the APD something should be added. Chipping away at a community’s life line is not in the interest of the whole community.

The APD plays a vital role in the well being our whole community. My question is: Where are its buffer zones of protection?


your presentation last night was very powerful. Absolutely excellent. Yours was one, that probably had the most impact. Individuals like you make a difference. Your delivery of your material was smooth as silk, easy to follow and I could see many heads nodding as you presented your facts.
Your dedication to the preservation of the valley farms lands is vital and probably will help convince KC to leave the caretaking of the valley up to folks like you

Dave Henry


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