
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Flying Dreams

A Woman Called Joseph – The Naming I flew in my dreams last night sitting on a green balloon. I flew over mountains and meadows. A sweet tranquil sensation moving with the wind. Demons appeared saying, “This flimsy balloon will never hold. It will burst any minute. It cannot sustain the trip.” I kept moving, relaxed, trusted and enjoyed the flight. Upon landing I was greeted by a couple of elders/beings who called me “Joseph.” September 23, 1992 I flew in my dreams last night! This time on a board like a skate board. I had to practice balance at first and then I relaxed and let the undercurrents carry me. I kept thinking I would hit something in the natural setting but there were no collisions. Flying dreams are exhilarating! I want to live my life differently...with less pressure from the outside and more flow from the inside. I want a few days a week where I can just BE and not have a full agenda. This morning for example I thought I would transplant strawberries but I went a different direction. I call this puttering and it is all about being in the moment with less information and more inspiration by simply being. This is flying on and with the sweet winds of spirit through my day! Humanoid wiring is messed up and tangled. Time to untangle and live more sustainably at every level! Those forces that want us to be more machinelike...begone! Those forces that want us to self-destruct personally and collectively...begone! Those forces that try to manipulate with darkness...begone. Light prevails on Earth through human consciousness and it is getting brighter, more intelligent and happy! Happiness is a sign of intelligence! Broadcast that!


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