
Monday, November 26, 2012

Human Potential ~ Human Power

+ / - = contact = charge = discharge = recharge.  I hold this circuit with another and listen in the process receiving images/words:

Male / female contact generates energy.  Humans are sources of energy.  Humans are batteries.

Humans generate solar power.  It runs through our earth system.  I see lotus design that captures solar energy charging, then releasing and then recharging.  Hands have a role to play in this solar powered lotus apparatus.  Hands focused can move energy just as the mind can.  Hands focused can generate solar power.  Lotus opens, closes to open again in rhythm with Nature and thus with Cosmic rhythms.

Should we not be capturing solar flares’ explosive energy rather than fearing them?

There is much potential here regarding human development energetically.  I know there are people already working on these concepts and it’s time to step it up.  It’s time for a shift into a new field of energy:  human power!

For many years men in my life have taught me about relationship to Sun.  It’s been more than a personal mythic journey metaphor.  The evolution of this creative process/journey has brought me to a place/time that is more focused/grounded both internally and with another.  There is so much more for men and women to do together other than to procreate and overpopulate the planet. 

Once we step out of lower chakra domination and move into higher energy intelligence we will see new possibilities with new eye. 

Humans look outside themselves for answers when the answers are within awaiting our arrival.


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