
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Mythic Journey as One Body

I received my answer!  On TV I did see an entertainment show that expressed emotional intelligence through feedback loops acting in respect/love.  That show is The Voice. 

I want to make clear, clean, direct contact with a specific feedback loop.  It is not easy and has taken time because so many factors and layers are involved.  This is sacred work!  Last night in process of making contact I experienced Alice in Wonderland phenomena. I was all over the place and strange images were coming in around me. Iwas being bombarded!  At one point I was in the chicken coop where I feed chickens and looked around asking what the scene was telling me.  All very surreal and distracting.  The experience reminds me of the rings around Saturn and the debris around a comet and how one, two and more are tested/required to go through those hoops. (I think it's actually an alchemical process.) could be the effects of solar flares that feedback loops produce!

It is definitely a mythic journey traveling to the core of sacred contact whether that is within oneself, another or others.  Once you have the key there is no where to go but to the heart of the matter.  And there are many keys that keep unlocking new pathways and doors.  That key is Light whether a tiny spark, a ray or a sunny orb.

I saw on the news that there was a very significant solar flare but that it didn't hit Earth and take down our power grid.  There is another one due before the end of the what I think I heard. I think the collective Body of Light and Love on Earth's swarm intelligence acts as a shield protecting matter and giving us more time to evolve in alignment. Yes, much like the defensive dome now used in the war zone of Gaza.  I suspect this is the prophecy for 2012.  A prophecy that has more than one potential outcome.

Again I see the scene in The Dark Crystal where factors near and far come together in alignment breaking up the dark and bringing in the dawn of a New Age.  My passion for spiritual, psychic, emotional, mental and physical contact is an electromagnetic force that I cannot/do not control.  I am pulled and pushed by it and I do trust its Intelligence and Love.  No, it's more than trust!  I am part of that Force and know it as it flows through me.  So I will correct that statement:  I am pulled and pushed by it and I know its Intelligence and Love.  And I will correct that statement:  We are pulled and pushed by it and we know its Intelligence and Love.


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