
Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Hiking Bliss

Wenatchee to train staff and Board members on the Speaker's Bureau. Most dynamic group yet. I integrated my personal story around peace (before CHSW 18 years ago I worked at a peace and justice organization and got tired of angry people working for peace -- now I am a peacemaker helping children and families thrive) and received open and enthusiastic response. I think the difference is that the Director in Wenatchee is a peace activist and has drawn a board around him who share those values.

Next day was open to following my nose...with absolutely no agenda. I stopped as I felt pulled. Hike. Peshastin Pinnacles State Park amongst pillars of granite: Sacred Male and Female rising up from earth in Hallelujah rejoicing. Wenatchee River with feet in water and picking up litter along banks. I wanted to swim without clothes but, of course, no place to do that. A woman has predators watching. I don't feel safe. Icicle Creek trail -- hike up to the top. One day I'll have time to go deeper into the trail that leads to The Enchantments. I love this area. 4 salamander greetings along the trail. They stop to listen as I speak to them -- relative of my dragon friends.

I was so surprised how good I felt after a day of hiking. As if my core is stronger and more stable having a positive effect on the parts.


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