
Sunday, September 7, 2008

Plant and Water Intelligence

Dr. Steven Farmer sent his monthly newsletter which has an article about plant spirit and consciousness:
. . . Mr. Baxter proved scientifically that plants could think and respond! A Consciousness! . . . . Baxter did months of research and found plants respond to threats as well as healing peaceful thoughts. Plants love to listen to easy-listening music and classical music (but no heavy metal) and seemed to be attuned to animal life. The plants could actually tell when a human subject on the polygraph machine was lying! Baxter found out in stress conditions, as when it is being cut, a plant will “faint” so it can’t feel any pain, it goes “flatline” on the machine. With fruit, the plants wish to give up its fruit only in a loving ritual, a communion between the eater and the eaten, a Sacrifice. Baxter said, “It may be that a vegetable appreciates becoming another part of another form of life rather than rotting on the ground, just as a human death may experience relief to find himself on a higher realm of “being”.

A friend gave me the book The True Power of Water by Masaru Emoto. His hado experiences show how water is intelligent by taking in information and responding via crystal designs...or not. He relates how hado effects food, illness, etc.

As water and plant matter respond to vibration/hado so does air and fire and all elements and elementals. It's all about vibration. How fun it would be to hear that context via the media. Political conventions, reports on wars, domestic violence, sexual addiction and abuse, overeating, etc. would all take on new levels of awareness if this was part of the information we receive. As it is all we hear about (it's all most people see) are externals. Talk, talk, talk, opinion after opnion, concept after concept. It's dead ended unless it's grounded in vibrational sub-atomic particles of earth matter.

If one wants to change something in the external realm the way to do so is to change one's vibration. Vibration communicates through many outlets of body. Creativity is the result. The more vibration pouring forth the more alive and creative. This is the time, this is the place, we are the ones to open the lease those who are willing to dig deep and do the inner work rather than staying in habitual low-vibration and surface patterns. By their light ye shall know them.


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