
Saturday, September 6, 2008

System of Grace

Tracker drama lies somewhere in the micro/macro layers of reality. Maybe it synthesizes through the whole field. (just expressing words coming up in this moment) Cosmic codes and patterns.

My feminine gave power away to masculine due to missing parts of lost soul. Love that is whole was not transmitted from me nor recieved back to me. Once parts are found and integrated and some degree of wholeness restored the old pattern of relationship must change. Tracker liked the old power where he had center stage and everything revolved around him/with him. He liked being part of that level of creative process because he contributed to it to some degree. However, Feminine cannot go backward. Evol happens.

From a woman named Mieke in the Netherlands (thanks to connection) something was born today: Labyrinth. She will partner with me on my book project and we will include this magical and mystical flow pattern of energy as it relates to chakra and kundalini in individual body and collective Body.

Disintegration and Integration -- hand in hand. Something passes away -- something is born. Amazing system of Grace.


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