
Sunday, September 7, 2008

Vibrational Space is Sacred

And Tracker continues to come into my personal space with his vibration and his physcial presence. He doesn't seem to understand the value of personal space. Did he learn any boundaries as a child? Does he think it's okay to barge into someone's space simply because he knows how to be invisible and therefere he can. It's not okay in any realm. It's offensive. My body tells me so (picking up his vibration) and responds as such. What does he want from me and women? Why is he looking externally? He has not yet found his eyes or ears. He is still in grief and ignorance. What force is he geared into and what vibration uses him and emits from him? Male power is not over anyone or anything. Male power is within and lovingly connected to one's own Feminine. I will not be silent. This behavior continues to be abusive as it was the first day he intruded into my space. Then I was looking for I know better.


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