
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Shamanic Connections

I received an email last night from Hank Wesselman and Jill Kuykendall informing that they will be sending out a newsletter. I was happy to respond. That connection had an immediate energetic effect that was kaleidoscopic. Parts came together and started to move in exponential fashion. Spirit Allies/Power animals came into view with large presence. A spotted cat that I met when I did shamanic journeying with Hank came in as well as my winged dragon friend who was quite "tall" about this.

This experience was very different from the one I had just been engaged in on chopra intentBlog. I was in the process of responding to a post by Avtar Singh and his Holistic Relativity (HR) theory that explains the scientific observations of the universe. His 3 scientific points were cold and impersonal to me and I was creating my own right-brain translations in response. I decided not to send however as my language is probably as foriegn to him as his is to me. What's the point? seemed to be my conclusion.

Participating in energetics that do work/move/sound make me very happy. I have a male point in space that generates resonance. The colors are pastel and sweet and the vibrational sound is unique. I know him by his sound. This experience transforms my old relationship with men. It transforms my feminine and fertile body. Our common ground is giant peace dove puppets. All things are made new. I learn again that I cannot go backward into old patterns. I keep moving forward without that old ambition.

It's as if one is in a collective body and the ambition and drive is now up to, generated by, the whole. Listening and being is more dominant than thinking and doing. Going within to Sacred Feminine and letting Her surface is getting more play.

Two departments at my office had a meeting yesterday. It was dynamic and creative. The parts are synthesizing for the first time in our history. A whole system is rising. All things are made new.


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