
Thursday, September 18, 2008

New Fertility / New Tissue

body to body
is no longer
clingy, sticky
new spaciousness

bodies to bodies
is now connective "tissue"
new spaciousness

Fertility connects
through new range
of motion and sound

What is fertility? I see it as a creative space and field
where opposite forces and charges (+/-) play out their dance.
It is not about making babies and overpopulating our planet.
It's about higher levels of interraction and co-creation.

What is at the center core of sound?
I see circle with surface ring and with core point of Soul/Sol
New resonance erupts from flowing core oozing to and through parts: Fertile.

How will this new motion and sound
uplift when old systems continue in their breakdown?

When connection with Hank and Jill came into consciousness that experience was initially like connective "tissue". I felt lines emerge like support beams and then the parts started to move like kaleidoscope and fill in with images of spirit allies. Good to identify the process that moves and sounds/sounds and moves. One vibration with different forms of expression...different outlets in this world. Multi-dimensional. Chrystal Community.

Tissue definition:

~ a mass or layer of cells forming a basic structural element of an animal or plant body

~ an aggregation of similarly specialized cells united in the performance of a particular function

~ a collection of similar cells and the intercellular substances surrounding them

~ part of an organism consisting of an aggregate of cells having a similar structure and function


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