
Friday, September 19, 2008

New Limbs

My speaker's bureau project is growing a couple of limbs. I talked with several golfers at a recent work event and asked if they knew any companies or groups who would like to see the film. Out of that a local celebrity responded and is interested in telling his story about hydroplane racing and promoting the film. He offered to split his fee with us. This would create a new angle in this project and give me a more solid foundation on which to promote the film and book venues. This man is very connected to our kids in residential treatment and has his own story of breaking down and rising up...personal crisis.

Another golfer lives in the middle of the state and is president of the Chamber of Commerce. He has opened the door for a film presentation to 60-80 members which in my world is a good size audience. He is also involved in a nation wide association and is opening a door there. This is the ripple effect in action and it's fun to watch it let it evolve naturally. Some things don't manifest but that is beside the point. It's the motion that is critical.

A friend who is releasing a book about Blackbeard Decoded also wants to speak and find her own venues. She is in the broadcasting business and wants us to create a commercial for 2009. She is very business oriented and a good balance for me.

The project is taking on shape in quantum fashion. My style is that where there is response so am I. I don't care how insignificant it seems...I don't care if there is no $$ in the picture. I follow where there is response. It must be a universal law. I notice that others put up barriers due to their well-established concepts based on business models. I follow sparks of interest and those who respond to me and the heart of the film. It's a living project and I intend to keep it that way.

Left brain analyzes and works to figure things out/how things fit. Right brain goes with the larger flow. By itself left brain creates stagnation. Right brain can bust through it all. "You go girl!" Of course, Sacred Masculine is involved too. "You go guy!" So fun as parts start to emerge and move together.


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