
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Wise Awakening & Kissing

Synchronistic day in Bellingham. Village Books and Indian food in the outdoor market. I asked the chef/owner what was on the yummy green salad. Some lemon and salt/spice they make and I could purchase some at his restaurant in town. Community Food Coop took books and from there I walked down to the Indian restaurant. On the way I noticed a flyer in a window with Gregg Braden and Barbara Hand Clow photo. I went inside and met a wonderful man in Wise Awakening who said that he had a dream about the grange (I was in Bellingham for a State Grange convention) that turned into a shamanic journey. He acknowledged the secret/sacred nature of Grange. He liked my book and would show it to the owner Dianna. She called later full of enthusiasm and wanted to buy ten books! I backtracked and met her. She said my book is "high energy" and will put it on their website that features Barbara Hand Crow as she is related to her. I will also teach a class.

Now I will have to learn more about the 2012 event Gregg and Barbara are presenting. Circle of Life network keeps expanding.

I read that feathers in a headdress represent brave acts. I think for me that the feathers represent each contact/business that relates to my book since it came to me after I had posted the first few business names on the website. The nice thing about visions is that there is no limit to the number of feathers I can gather. Our physical plane is limiting in that way...matter is a more solid substance thanks to "earth".

Which reminds me...for days I've been singing: ooh you got a way about you, now I can't live without you...never knew what I missed til I kissed don't realize what you do to me, and I didn't realize what a kiss could be Why am I singing this song about kissing? I have kissed one man in 9.5 years and that was many months ago for a very brief time. Telepathic kisses don't count because they aren't grounded in this realm and lack emotional content and reality. They are not sustainable. So why am I singing about kissing?


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