
Monday, December 12, 2011

Beyond the Veil of Matter

Occupiers are angry and say so as their emotions rise to the surface. Men who were sexually abused as children break through guilt and shame and rise to the surface to express their pain. This collective truth telling creates a void in the subconscious and unconscious psyche. The void is ready to be filled with new substance. I'd like to help fill it up with "good news" through the SCALLOPS network herein Puget Sound.

Dream: I felt my space rattling and heard dishes clatter in the distance. I held steady. Then we rolled counterclockwise to NW then we rolled clockwise to East. I held steady...riding it out then decided to get up and put on jeans and see what was going on outside. People were walking about as if nothing had happened. end of dream...

I ran into him several times at the NW Herbal Fair. At one point I had to laugh and so did he...was the universe pulling us together? I ran into him again yesterday at a Solstice volunteer event making headdresses for the upcoming Feast. He sat next to a woman I used to live with many years ago in the Emissaries of Divine Light community. There is something in the space between myself and this man. There is something emanating from his face and eyes. There is attraction.

Last night I was dancing in the dark with some one/force. I kept seeing this new man's face. (What is real and can I trust my senses is always the question.) The aligment of the potent lines and angles reminded me of sacred geometry and... solstice! I called my woman friend to ask about him. This morning he friended me on facebook and his profile says that he is single and interested in women. I wonder if he flies kites? I am ready to press into matter....male matter. It's more than least the way hormones used to move through me. Hormones now include one whole system and not just lower chakras. How does e-motion interplay with hormonal flow? These forces want to express in me and through me out to another to receive in turn. I feel very clear about saying so.

More dream or altered state of consciousness:

Then something very strange happened...very quantum physics. I was next to a man wearing a black dress shirt. I know him in this realm though have not seen him for several months. I touched his arm and my hand went through a "veil" and into another dimension with him. I pushed more of myself through and was in front of him. I touched him more to press into matter only to discover that this "matter" was not physical. My hand went into the "plasma" quite a ways before it hit more solid substance. I sensed that this man had this experience before...that he was familiar with this realm.

Today I lose more hours at work. I feel at peace about it as my social security pays the bills and I need little to live on after that. I have another job interview tomorrow. What a strange "reality" this is. I ground and feel content thanks to friends who are attuned and with whom I can share these levels of my multi-dimensional living.

Friend Mishal tells me matter is vibrating energy so there is no matter really. I like matter. I like touching a man's arm and feeling muscle. I like digging my pitchfork into earth to lift and turn over. I like touching a tree....I like dense matter. Why do I have to deny that level of reality. Can it not be part of an energetic and vibrational spectrum. Why do we discount earthy matter? Why can't matter emit light and still hold material charge? Too many questions in my life that is turning upside down right now.


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